Thursday, July 19, 2007

Korean Culture Video - Part 5

Suwon Fortress Wall Walk

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Korean Culture Video - Part 4

Namisum Island.

this island is very famous with japanese tourists because a korean soap opera is filmed here. apparently the japanese love their korean soaps! who knew?!

my favorite parts of the trip were not even captured on this video. they were:

i found one of the best icecream cones... called the 'hurricane'. chocolate is swirled throughout the vanilla icecream like a hurricane. since finding this frozen gem, ive eaten several 'hurricanes' since.

jodi and i rode a bicycle-built-for-two into some of the heaviest pedestrian traffic ive seen. i must admit that jodi drove better than i did. our bike had no bell and she had no problem yelling at the koreans to "move outta the way!" actually it was probably more like a bicycle-built-for-one-and-a-half. the back seat was absurdly small.

the ultimate frisbee game. this island actually had a patch of grass that somewhat resembled an open field. a rarity in korea.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

missions trip to NEPAL.

im going to be headed to the himalayas in nepal for a missions trip for 9 days in late september with my church.

please pray for the people in the himalayas as they often don't survive past childhood b/c of harsh weather and health/sanitation reasons. their lack of knowledge about sanitation and cleanliness leads to the spread of disease. starvation is also a big problem. the most disturbing thing happening in the region that we are going to is people coming from the cities and rounding up children from the rural mountain areas. they come promising parents that their children will be brought to the cities and educated. they promise families their children will make money and bring it back. this is a lie. almost all of these children never see their family again. they are being sold as sex slaves. some children even as young as 6. this is a people that are in desperate need of salvation. please pray for them.

i am excited to be working with the people at my church. we are taking two teams to this area. team A will be ministering to orphans. this home takes in children (most of which are dying or unwanted), gives them proper medical attention, educates them, presents the gospel to them, and when they are finished they go back to their tribes with the gospel message. team B will go on a prayer journey stopping at villages throughout the region and praying for individual families. medical supplies will be given to these families as well. i will be going with team B.

please pray for everyone going. we need to be ready spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. there are several meetings we are having before we leave. this is so we are all on the same page and coordinated on goals and objectives of the trip. in nepal it is illegal to preach about Jesus. we need much prayer so that this can be a place that is free to worship Christ. i believe God is going to stir us up and break our hearts for these people. i am praying that we will be a blessing to them.